Hi reader, it’s your faithful journalist Serena!
It was a half day in the studio today. Okay, more like a half-half, or 1/8 day. Even in that amount of time I learned a brand new lesson, about branding.
I learned that marketing and branding are two different concepts. Branding has to do with a company’s logo, or image. For example, if you drove through a McDonald’s, you don’t have to question those golden arches. You know you’re at the right place. You know what to expect.
Advertising fits into the category of marketing. Having an ad on TV or in City Revealed Magazine is just one form of marketing. There are also concepts such as earned media and paid media. I’ll explain more about it in my next blog post.
Jeff suggested that I contribute to the blog on a weekly basis. It will be fun to get back to my writing roots. The best part? I get to research and write about tech news. (i.e. What are the hottest trends in the video production industry?)
One trend Jeff mentioned is that Google is incorporating videos into their search feed. So, when you’re looking for, homemade ice cream recipes to fight off the 109* heat index, you might just see a video of someone making homemade ice cream. Nifty, huh?
Until then, stay tuned. I’ll be back after these messages.