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Becoming a Final Cut…Rookie?

July 8th, 2011 | Categories: Intern Blog

Hi there! It’s Serena.

I must say I am really enjoying my internship at MVP! It’s hard to believe it’s already the end of week 3. I arrived bright and early and got to shadow Kirk who was working on a commercial for the new Virginia Gay Hospital commercials. The difference in drafts from the day before were pretty amazing. The cuts were tighter. And the audio clips complimented each other.

Isaac finished editing his intern v-blog. In his v-blog he introduces each of the staff and has a funny picture of each Jeff, Kirk and Eric. I didn’t have a funny picture, so we set up a line of golden awards in the studio. I stood far enough back so that when Isaac took the picture I looked like the same height as the Oscar-looking statues. It turned out great!

Later, Eric was working on finding sound bites in a script for one of MVP’s client’s Mobile Demand on Final Cut Pro. I got to search through the film footage and place the rough cuts on the timeline. An hour passed and I couldn’t find any of the quotes. Then, Eric showed me that I had been searching through the wrong footage. The lesson: When everything seems wrong, it could very well be wrong. Also, help is always a question away.

Until Monday!


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