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Start of the 7th

July 27th, 2011 | Categories: Intern Blog

Intern: Serena

It is completely mind boggling to think that this is the start of my seventh week as an intern at MVP Video Production! It’s really been a highlight to my summer…err, my life. I feel like I’ve gained confidence when choosing the equipment for a film shoot. I understand the basic set-up of Final Cut Pro, I know how to work with a green screen, I’ve gotten to sit in and ask questions in production meetings, I have a ton of new terminology (and industry “slang” like knowing what a “stinger” or “jelly-roll,” or “C-47” is!)

I’ve also gotten experience as a Production Assistant on three film productions (not including the intern vlogs!), and have gotten to sit “behind-the-wheel” in the editing suite. I’ve also gotten to shadow Kirk–who has 20 years of video editing experience–and Eric–who is attending Full-Sail and once decided to spend a summer reading the instruction manuals to Adobe and Final Cut software…just for fun.

Also, I’m not the only intern at MVP Video Production! I’ve gotten to learn a lot from my fellow intern, Isaac, such as what gear to pack for a film shoot, and how to set up the studio!

Getting to see Todd networking with local businesses and leave for sales calls reminds me of the other side of a production company. And Jeff has taught me the things I won’t learn at film school, such as the costs and distribution of a production company, and what role the editors and executive producers play. (One goal I still have is to be the “fly-on-the-wall” in a sales call!). Jeff has also allowed me to update the MVP Video Production social media (aka the Twitter page!), and contribute to the blog!

What are some goals I have before the week is done?

Well, for one, I’d love to shoot another intern vlog…about sound booth and tips and tricks about sound recording! AND, possibly a vlog filmed live during a shoot (or, right after a shoot!)

There’s still time to learn a whole lot. What better place to learn than at the video production company that has just been voted the Best Video Production Company in the corridor by the Corridor Business Journal? 🙂

Hasta manana!


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